Our Vision

Missions exist because worship doesn't!

It's all about him! In Matthew 16 Jesus made a statement that shook the heavens and earth and we are living in that truth today. He stated that He would build his church and the gates of Hades would not be able to prevail against it. Gates were always defensive measures during his time, so Jesus meant that His church was going to be on the offensive pushing into the edge of darkness always.

We believe in the local church and realize that we can build something in the name of Straight Street; however, it is The Church that will endure forever. We strive to serve the local church until Jesus presents her as his beautiful bride one day in the near future. We know that we are not the message, but are the messengers and the message is this- that Jesus was sent into the world to save and transform sinners. Jesus is the message and He is the messenger, and because of that we serve the local church and support her. At the end of the day Straight Street will end but His bride will live on forever, and because of that we choose to serve his most important thing. 

The quote by John Piper that says "Missions Exists because worship doesn't" sums up the temporary nature of the work we do on earth because at some point missions will be no more as we worship Him around the throne. God deserves to be worshiped for who He is and all that He does. Worship is the fuel of this ministry because of what he has done in our lives and it is also the goal of what we do because there are others that should be worshiping Christ and are not. So we go, serve, and minister the powerful name of Jesus Christ to the people and places of Nicaragua until they bear the image of the one who created them. These pictures are images of Christ and people that he desperately loves. A love so great that he was willing to give his life, and because of that we are compelled as his ambassadors to share his love through whatever means necessary. We ask that you prayerfully consider joining us in these last days as we continue to press forward as champions for Christ in the strength, power, and might of the humble cross that he bore for our sins.